Who Are We

We are the Coulsdon West Residents' Association.

Our aim is to help residents in West Coulsdon, and make Coulsdon a great place to live.

Our M.P., councillors, council officers and decision makers in the NHS, public transport, TFL, developers, the police, the local press and others all consult us.

We are affiliated to organisations which advocate for our area such as the London Green Belt Council, the Road Users Forum, the East Surrey Transport Committee and the Neighbourhood Safety Team.

We work in coordination with our sister RAs. To achieve our aims we need more general members as well as volunteers to join the Committee.

We are stronger together.

Please join us... see the Membership link.

For more information, please email us: info@thecwra.co.uk

The Committee

    Chair:  Lynne Rothberg
    Vice Chair/Events:  Lucy Acres
    Minutes Secretary: Yasmin Dubash
    Treasurer:  Michael Southwell
    Public Transport:  Peter Appleford
    Planning:  Richard Walker
    Chair's Assistant:  David Rothberg
    Newsletter Editor:  Jean Biggs
    Rickman Hill Park Rep:   Keith Watkins